About E-Impact Academy

Meet the team behind the vision.

Professional Digital Marketers

Providing Skills Training

Partnering with Businesses


We are wholly owned by E-Impact Marketing, a digital marketing company headquartered in Lancaster, PA.


We want to give people a life skill that will serve them and their families and we do it because of Jesus!


By providing digital marketing training with hands-on work for a real company that needs a website.

A Brainchild of
E-Impact Marketing

In 2014, Chris Stoltzfus launched E-Impact Marketing with a neighbor who had just arrived as a refugee from Somalia. From that day until today, it is the goal of E-Impact Marketing to provide people coming to Lancaster City with a life skill that will help them grow and succeed in life.

However, we realize that not everyone can work at E-Impact Marketing as a full-time digital marketing professional. Our new Academy is a place where immigrants, refugees, and others can get real experience in digital marketing. They will build a website for a real company in our Training program with experienced marketing people guiding the process.

From there, they may go on to be employed in a local marketing agency, build a website for their own small business or help others build websites for their companies.

marketing academy trainer